
にアップロードされたファイル : | 2022-06-11 |
FC2's ID: | 2954867 |
間隔: | 29:22 |
メーカー情報 | BOYS.BANK |
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专为那些想看直男淫荡的人创建的新标签 [Onataring EX] CASE:15
A new label created just for those who want to see straight men's lasciviousness [Onataring EX] CASE:15

这一次,我们邀请了一位天真的大学生来到监控室,向我们展示她平时的手淫情况。 我立即递给她几张DVD,我们就开始了。
This time we invited a naive college student to come to our monitor room to show us his usual masturbation. I gave him a few DVDs to start with.

他认真地翻阅它们,并播放他的最爱。 她立即开始隔着裤子玩弄它们。 她在用遥控器寻找她喜欢的场景时,反复脱下紧身裤,现在只穿着内裤。
He seriously rummages through them and plays his favorites. Soon he begins to play them through his pants. While repeatedly searching for her favorite scene with the remote control, she takes off her pants, which are now too tight, and puts on her underpants.

他将手伸进裤子里,玩弄着裤子。 过了一会儿,他就忍不住直接玩了起来,把裤子也脱了。 看到他有多粗,他的肉缝有多色情,以及他的阴茎有多大,尽管他是个长着一张娃娃脸的男孩,这很好。
He puts his hand inside his pants and plays with them. After a while, he just can't resist playing with it directly and takes off his pants as well. I love the thickness, the eroticism of the cheating, and the fact that he has a big penis even though he is a boy with a baby face.

測ってみると長さ17センチ、亀頭幅4センチ!! 結構ノンケさんって自分のデカさを分かってないコが多いです^^;
测量显示长度为17厘米,龟头宽度为4厘米。 相当多的人不知道它们有多大。
When I measured it, the length was 17cm and the width of the glans was 4cm. There are quite a few people who don't know how big they are.

她立即尝试各种手淫孔,并被反复制止。 变态的工作人员,无法抗拒,准备被拒绝,所以他们要求她给他们口交。 出乎意料的是,她欣然同意了!
They immediately tried various masturbation holes and repeatedly stopped short. Unable to resist, the perverted staff asked her to perform fellatio on them, expecting her to refuse. Surprisingly, he readily agreed!

The big dick, which was hard to take all of it in her mouth, produced a lot of enduring juices in her mouth, and she repeatedly stopped short, and when she was about to come, she would blame the blowjob.

最后,由于龟头的感觉,她一达到忍耐的极限就会反复射精。 浓稠的精液太色情了。
At the end, he ejaculates launching several times as soon as he can no longer stand the feeling of the glans. The thick sperm is too erotic.

Now let me check my body in more nooks and crannies.

The main model also wears a mask in this film.
专为那些想看直男淫荡的人创建的新标签 [Onataring EX] CASE:15
A new label created just for those who want to see straight men's lasciviousness [Onataring EX] CASE:15

这一次,我们邀请了一位天真的大学生来到监控室,向我们展示她平时的手淫情况。 我立即递给她几张DVD,我们就开始了。
This time we invited a naive college student to come to our monitor room to show us his usual masturbation. I gave him a few DVDs to start with.

他认真地翻阅它们,并播放他的最爱。 她立即开始隔着裤子玩弄它们。 她在用遥控器寻找她喜欢的场景时,反复脱下紧身裤,现在只穿着内裤。
He seriously rummages through them and plays his favorites. Soon he begins to play them through his pants. While repeatedly searching for her favorite scene with the remote control, she takes off her pants, which are now too tight, and puts on her underpants.

他将手伸进裤子里,玩弄着裤子。 过了一会儿,他就忍不住直接玩了起来,把裤子也脱了。 看到他有多粗,他的肉缝有多色情,以及他的阴茎有多大,尽管他是个长着一张娃娃脸的男孩,这很好。
He puts his hand inside his pants and plays with them. After a while, he just can't resist playing with it directly and takes off his pants as well. I love the thickness, the eroticism of the cheating, and the fact that he has a big penis even though he is a boy with a baby face.

測ってみると長さ17センチ、亀頭幅4センチ!! 結構ノンケさんって自分のデカさを分かってないコが多いです^^;
测量显示长度为17厘米,龟头宽度为4厘米。 相当多的人不知道它们有多大。
When I measured it, the length was 17cm and the width of the glans was 4cm. There are quite a few people who don't know how big they are.

她立即尝试各种手淫孔,并被反复制止。 变态的工作人员,无法抗拒,准备被拒绝,所以他们要求她给他们口交。 出乎意料的是,她欣然同意了!
They immediately tried various masturbation holes and repeatedly stopped short. Unable to resist, the perverted staff asked her to perform fellatio on them, expecting her to refuse. Surprisingly, he readily agreed!

The big dick, which was hard to take all of it in her mouth, produced a lot of enduring juices in her mouth, and she repeatedly stopped short, and when she was about to come, she would blame the blowjob.

最后,由于龟头的感觉,她一达到忍耐的极限就会反复射精。 浓稠的精液太色情了。
At the end, he ejaculates launching several times as soon as he can no longer stand the feeling of the glans. The thick sperm is too erotic.

Now let me check my body in more nooks and crannies.

The main model also wears a mask in this film.


でカッ❣️渋谷辺りによく見かける今時男子。 でカッ❣️。セーターをまくって普通にシコるポーズがヤラセっぽく無くて萌えました。 大満足❣️。
デカ 13-06-2022WGQEGAE

FC2-PPV 3190090

FC2-PPV 4499675

FC2-PPV 4640721