にアップロードされたファイル : | 2022-01-08 |
FC2's ID: | 2577361 |
間隔: | 38:25 |
メーカー情報 | BOYS.BANK |
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BOYS.BANK ツイッター@BoysBank_video
专为那些想看直男淫荡的人创建的新标签 [Onataring EX] CASE:01
A new label created just for those who want to see straight men's lasciviousness [Onataring EX] CASE:01
「普段のオナニーをお金に変えてみませんか?」そんな甘い誘いにイケメン達がこぞって順番待ちの【オナタリングEX】!! 記念すべき第1作目は、イケメンオーラ満点!!めちゃカッコイイのに人懐っこいプレミアム男子!ユウマ君の登場です!
你想把你平时的手淫换成钱吗? 这里是Onataring EX,所有的帅哥都在等待着他们的到来。 令人难忘的第一部电影充满了帅气的光环。 他是一个非常冷静和友好的高级男孩。 尤马在这里。
Wouldn't you like to turn your regular masturbation into money? With such a sweet offer, all the handsome men are waiting for their turn in Onataring EX. The memorable first work is full of handsome aura. He's a premium guy who's very cool and friendly. Yuma is here.
ルックスはご覧の通り、ちょっとチャラいけどめちゃイケメン!ジャ○ーズの山○涼介くんに似た可愛らしいさとクールな男っぽさが色気ムンムン♪ 早速普段のオナニーを見せてもらう為にパンツ姿に。
正如你所看到的,他有点调皮,但非常英俊。 他有点轻佻,但非常英俊,他的可爱和冷酷的男性气质使他非常性感。 他穿着长裤向我们展示他平时的手淫。
As you can see, his looks are a little flirtatious but very handsome. He is a little flirtatious but very handsome, and his cuteness and cool masculinity make him very sexy. He immediately put on his pants to show us his usual masturbation.
あれ?なんかもうパンツの中で反応しちゃってる?笑。モッコリをさりげなく手で隠している姿がめちゃ可愛い^^ 好きなエロDVDを選んでもらって普段通りのオナニースタート!…のはずが…。まさかの開始4分で暴発してしまった模様…笑
什么? 她在裤子里已经有反应了吗? 看到她用手随意地藏起她的小弟弟,真是太可爱了。 她本应在选择了她最喜欢的色情DVD后像往常一样开始手淫,但似乎她在前4分钟就爆发了!她说:"我不知道。
What? Is something already reacting in my pants? It's so cute that she's casually hiding her moccasins with her hands. She was supposed to start masturbating as usual after choosing her favorite erotic DVD, but it seems that she had an outburst in the first 4 minutes!
恥ずかしそうに謝るユウマ君 笑。もう一回イケる?の問いに「頑張ります^^」とリトライ♪ 勃たせてあげようとさりげなくフェラすると意外にも気持ち良さそう^^ それなら!と変態スタッフは色々舐め尽くす 笑 何度も何度も寸止めを繰り返し、グリグリ亀頭責め!
尤马为自己的尴尬而道歉。 你能再射吗? 他回答说:"我会尽我所能。当他试图让她射精时,她随手给他口交,令人惊讶的是,这感觉很好。那么! 而变态的工作人员则在她身上舔来舔去。 他舔了又舔,舔了又舔,舔了又舔。
Yuma apologized shyly. Can you do it again? I'll do my best," he replied. When I casually sucked on him to make him cum, he looked surprisingly good. Then! and the perverted staff licked all over her. The pervert staff licks and licks and licks and licks and licks and licks and licks and licks.
男フェラにイキどころが分からず何度も脳内イキ!!イケメンが顔を歪めてカラダを捩り乱れていく姿…エロ過ぎます♪ 最後は切ない声をあげながら勢いよくぶっ放したユウマ君^^
尤马的脸扭曲了,她的身体也扭曲了,扭曲了。 这是一个非常好看的家伙,他扭曲了自己的身体,扭曲了自己的脸。 它太色情了。最后,尤马发出了悲伤的声音,射出了他的子弹。
I don't know where to start, but I can't stop myself from coming over and over again! A handsome man's face is distorted and his body is twisted into a mess. It's too erotic. At the end, Yuma lets out a sad voice and shoots his load with great force.
1回目より量も勢いも倍増!! 撮影後に「フェラと寸止め、ヤバかったです、、女の子はそこまでやってくれないので頭真っ白になりました…」と、喜んで頂けたご様子^^。
The volume and intensity doubled from the first time. After the photo shoot, she said, "The blowjob and the short stop were amazing, girls don't do that much, so my mind went blank.
马,在这次拍摄之前,我们已经在街上侦查了你,并拍摄了你监测手淫的过程!你知道吗? 但由于编辑方面的原因,我们从Onataring发布了它。 但由于编辑方面的原因,我们将在Onataring网站上发布,所以请关注尤马的第一次监测。
Yuma, I've actually already scouted you on the street and filmed you monitoring masturbation before this shoot! But due to editing reasons, we had to release it from Onataring here. But due to editing reasons, we had to release it from Onataring, so please look forward to Yuma's first monitoring.
The main model also wears a mask in the film.
专为那些想看直男淫荡的人创建的新标签 [Onataring EX] CASE:01
A new label created just for those who want to see straight men's lasciviousness [Onataring EX] CASE:01
「普段のオナニーをお金に変えてみませんか?」そんな甘い誘いにイケメン達がこぞって順番待ちの【オナタリングEX】!! 記念すべき第1作目は、イケメンオーラ満点!!めちゃカッコイイのに人懐っこいプレミアム男子!ユウマ君の登場です!
你想把你平时的手淫换成钱吗? 这里是Onataring EX,所有的帅哥都在等待着他们的到来。 令人难忘的第一部电影充满了帅气的光环。 他是一个非常冷静和友好的高级男孩。 尤马在这里。
Wouldn't you like to turn your regular masturbation into money? With such a sweet offer, all the handsome men are waiting for their turn in Onataring EX. The memorable first work is full of handsome aura. He's a premium guy who's very cool and friendly. Yuma is here.
ルックスはご覧の通り、ちょっとチャラいけどめちゃイケメン!ジャ○ーズの山○涼介くんに似た可愛らしいさとクールな男っぽさが色気ムンムン♪ 早速普段のオナニーを見せてもらう為にパンツ姿に。
正如你所看到的,他有点调皮,但非常英俊。 他有点轻佻,但非常英俊,他的可爱和冷酷的男性气质使他非常性感。 他穿着长裤向我们展示他平时的手淫。
As you can see, his looks are a little flirtatious but very handsome. He is a little flirtatious but very handsome, and his cuteness and cool masculinity make him very sexy. He immediately put on his pants to show us his usual masturbation.
あれ?なんかもうパンツの中で反応しちゃってる?笑。モッコリをさりげなく手で隠している姿がめちゃ可愛い^^ 好きなエロDVDを選んでもらって普段通りのオナニースタート!…のはずが…。まさかの開始4分で暴発してしまった模様…笑
什么? 她在裤子里已经有反应了吗? 看到她用手随意地藏起她的小弟弟,真是太可爱了。 她本应在选择了她最喜欢的色情DVD后像往常一样开始手淫,但似乎她在前4分钟就爆发了!她说:"我不知道。
What? Is something already reacting in my pants? It's so cute that she's casually hiding her moccasins with her hands. She was supposed to start masturbating as usual after choosing her favorite erotic DVD, but it seems that she had an outburst in the first 4 minutes!
恥ずかしそうに謝るユウマ君 笑。もう一回イケる?の問いに「頑張ります^^」とリトライ♪ 勃たせてあげようとさりげなくフェラすると意外にも気持ち良さそう^^ それなら!と変態スタッフは色々舐め尽くす 笑 何度も何度も寸止めを繰り返し、グリグリ亀頭責め!
尤马为自己的尴尬而道歉。 你能再射吗? 他回答说:"我会尽我所能。当他试图让她射精时,她随手给他口交,令人惊讶的是,这感觉很好。那么! 而变态的工作人员则在她身上舔来舔去。 他舔了又舔,舔了又舔,舔了又舔。
Yuma apologized shyly. Can you do it again? I'll do my best," he replied. When I casually sucked on him to make him cum, he looked surprisingly good. Then! and the perverted staff licked all over her. The pervert staff licks and licks and licks and licks and licks and licks and licks and licks.
男フェラにイキどころが分からず何度も脳内イキ!!イケメンが顔を歪めてカラダを捩り乱れていく姿…エロ過ぎます♪ 最後は切ない声をあげながら勢いよくぶっ放したユウマ君^^
尤马的脸扭曲了,她的身体也扭曲了,扭曲了。 这是一个非常好看的家伙,他扭曲了自己的身体,扭曲了自己的脸。 它太色情了。最后,尤马发出了悲伤的声音,射出了他的子弹。
I don't know where to start, but I can't stop myself from coming over and over again! A handsome man's face is distorted and his body is twisted into a mess. It's too erotic. At the end, Yuma lets out a sad voice and shoots his load with great force.
1回目より量も勢いも倍増!! 撮影後に「フェラと寸止め、ヤバかったです、、女の子はそこまでやってくれないので頭真っ白になりました…」と、喜んで頂けたご様子^^。
The volume and intensity doubled from the first time. After the photo shoot, she said, "The blowjob and the short stop were amazing, girls don't do that much, so my mind went blank.
马,在这次拍摄之前,我们已经在街上侦查了你,并拍摄了你监测手淫的过程!你知道吗? 但由于编辑方面的原因,我们从Onataring发布了它。 但由于编辑方面的原因,我们将在Onataring网站上发布,所以请关注尤马的第一次监测。
Yuma, I've actually already scouted you on the street and filmed you monitoring masturbation before this shoot! But due to editing reasons, we had to release it from Onataring here. But due to editing reasons, we had to release it from Onataring, so please look forward to Yuma's first monitoring.
The main model also wears a mask in the film.
このモデルの男の子は、これまでで一番好み。自分でするより亀頭責めでよがっているのがとてもエロい。女性がらみでまた出てほしい。その時は女の子もスタイルのいい綺麗な子にしてほしいです。 15-05-2022OM5FBX702L994OY
goodso sexy
うるさい親父のキャップが、大事な所を隠したり、陰にしたり、めちゃくちゃジャマで¥1,780で売るプロ意識がない。 ノンケAVなら考えられない。 素人が趣味で作ってる印象。
FC2-PPV 4594999